Terms and conditions for students
- You must be a current or future student at Edith Cowan University (ECU) or Edith Cowan College (ECC) to register as a student on this platform.
- ECU is not responsible for accuracy of information on listings.
- ECU Accommodation Listings is an information exchange platform only and does not facilitate any part of the rental agreement between the accommodation provider and students.
- Properties listed have not been inspected by ECU.
- Property providers have not been interviewed or screened by ECU.
- Students should make their own enquiries as to who may be living at the property during their stay.
- Students are encouraged to ensure that the property is suitable for their own circumstances.
- All providers and students must agree to abide by the relevant legislation and guidance, depending on the agreement (refer to Consumer Protection a a Tenant's Guide resource for details of your responsibilities and Consumer Protection Distinguishing between tenants, boarders and lodgers):
- Residential Tenancy Act for any arrangement where the student is a “tenant”.
- Australian Consumer Law for any arrangement where the student is a “boarder or lodger”
- Students should follow the advice provided in the Accommodation Resources Page “Tenancy Information and Support” and 10 Steps to Help You in the Private Rental Market.
- Always remember:
- Inspect a property and meet the other occupants (if any) before applying/accepting, signing an agreement or paying any money (exception to this is for Australian Homestay Network and ECU Village).
- Always ensure there is a written agreement in place and you understand your rights and obligations under this agreement.
- Always ensure you have a receipt or bank evidence for any money paid and the bond should be lodged with the Bonds Administrator.
- You should discuss house rules and other arrangements (such as paying bills) with the provider and/or housemates. Consider creating a house rules and job chart to ensure a harmonious and equitable relationship. You might also want to check out our Tip Sheet on Living in Shared Accommodation.
- Any threatening or aggressive behavior by either party should not be tolerated and should be reported to the Police by calling 000 if the matter is urgent or 131 444 if the matter is not urgent.