Frequently asked questions


The accommodation listings on this website are only for 1 month, after which time the provider is invited to extend the listing if the accommodation is still available. Occasionally, the provider may not remove the listing immediately after the property/room has been leased, which means there may be some listings that are no longer available. We recommend you send a message to the provider to confirm availability.

Each provider will determine their application process. Some may require you to provide documentation to prove your income and ID and may also ask for references. If a provider has asked you to pay for the property before you do an inspection and submit an application, report this to our team immediately at and DO NOT pay any money.

A security bond ("bond") is a payment made in advance by a tenant to cover any costs a tenant may be liable for at the end of the rent agreement. 

The provider will determine how much bond should be paid, but it should be at most 4 weeks rent. If a provider asks you to pay more than 4 weeks rent for the bond, please remind them of this rule and report the matter to our team

You can seek support from the below organisations:

Go to the ECU Campus Living Village website to book or add your name to the waitlist at one of the campuses.

Refer to our Accommodation Resources page for other housing options.

Yes. You must either be a current student or a future student of ECU, including ECC students. If you are a future student or ECC student, your registration will need to be approved by ECU. This may take 1-2 days.

Yes, but your registration will need to be manually approved by ECU. This may take 1-2 days.


To minimise the risk of scams and unsafe rental arrangements for all parties.

A written rental agreement benefits all parties, as it ensures that both the landlord and tenant know their rights and obligations in a rental arrangement.

Refer to the Consumer Protection page regarding how to lodge a bond. You can lodge bonds online.

You can seek support from of the below organisations:

No, ECU cannot be involved in any part of the rental application or arrangement. This platform is only to connect students with housing opportunities and to provide general tenancy information.

1 month. You will receive an email after 1 month offering an extension of your listing. You should only extend the listing if the property or room is still available.

From your dashboard, click on the listing address you wish to change. This will display the details of the listing. From here, either click "Close Now" or "Make Changes". The "Make Changes" button will take you to a form where you can change the details. If you close the listing, the database will hold on to your details so that you can re-list it, if it becomes available later.