
Edith Cowan University (ECU) Accommodation Listings platform connects students with housing providers and housemates to assist students to secure housing.

All accommodation is privately owned and operated and is not managed or controlled by ECU. Please read our terms for Students and Providers for additional information.


Register to get contact information for listings, save listings to your shortlist and more.

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This platform has been established for the exclusive use of ECU students as tenants. You can search for housing opportunities or connect with other ECU students looking for housing. 

As the accommodation is not managed or monitored by ECU, it is important to always remember the following:

  • Please only pay money to a housing provider after you have seen the accommodation in person (except for ECU Village and Australian Homestay Network). 
  • Be aware of scams and unethical behaviour. 
  • Ensure you sign an agreement or contract before moving into accommodation. 
  • Refer to our Accommodation Resources page for tenancy information and support.

Accommodation providers

Sign in or register to list your accommodation.

Accommodation providers are invited to list their rental opportunities for free to ECU students looking for accommodation. Before registering as a provider, you MUST agree to abide by the Terms for Providers